Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Riddle poem

I am sounds that are pleasent,
I am sounds that are dull.
I see mant places near or far.
I can be as red as an apple or as green as its leaf,
You will hold me high, but when i fall "Bang".
I am needed by many, and conciderd their lives,
I am easy to loose, but not too hard to find.
Under clothes and on top of desks.
What am i???


My colors

Baby blue, so warm and so fuzzy,
Popping a sweet mint that tastes like cotton candy,
Silent breeze over the ocean, soft spray of springing water.
Yet so sad so lonely,
So cold so forgotten,
Inspiration without any temptation of re-creation.
Black, so bold and so daring and misunderstood,
Even mysterious up close to the heart,
Traped in old forgotten but bumpy roads,
The steam of tires marking the road.
This is how these colors make me!
Gabcast! Poetry #1

Acronym Poem Of Me

Loves Chocolate
Yet Lazy.